Monday, March 14, 2011

A Record

I've not yet discovered a true purpose or theme for this space. I am a flight attendant. I have multiple sclerosis. What I don't have is the desire to expound upon either of these subjects, save a few hilarious stories, and the ever-mounting surge of gratitude I feel everyday I go around as normal as ever. How fantastic.

I want to document life, not necessarily my life, or human life, or anything tremendously philosophical. I want a way to catch moments; the blisters on my feet, the glances, the conversations. I want a place to save the memory of a stranger who says "Have a nice life", and truly means it. I want to capture emotions, in one place, the good, the sinking, the ravenous.

My stepbrother would ask, sarcastically, "Well is there anything you don't want?" I don't want to forget. I don't want to stop learning. I don't want to stop feeling, even if my nerves give out. I don't want to throw everything unused away, like the reformed pack-rat I have become.

It's an experiment, we'll see.


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